Case# 028
Snack: Meiji Karu "Ukaru" snack Curry flavor
Packaging: 8/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 8/10
Creativity: 7/10
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 30/40
Ok Ok. After my rant about #27, this one wasn't too bad. I even thought it was pretty spot on. The package once again has Karl and his from getting ready for the festivs of the new year with his festiv stick. But can I say something, why is the frog always is a pissy mood? Does he think he's gonna get whacked by the stick? Chill out homie.
Taste as I said was pretty good. If I could change one thing it would be to have the curry flavor NOT be Japanese curry. I'm sorry but their curry sucks. Thai, Indian, etc. got their curry in gear but Japanese flavor is like spicy butt. Stick with the fish and sea grass Nihon. Anyway, even with this one being better than the last, stick with the original and you can't go wrong. Its like when Lucas fucked with the original trilogy. Nobody asked for a change.
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