Case# 012
Snack: Roots: Creamy Cafe
Packaging: 5/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 8/10
Creativity: 5/10
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 25/40
yet another coffee drink this time by Roots. The can said original but the taste said BORING. I am pretty sure this one was made for chicks cause it tasted like milk flavored coffee. No kick to it, and put me to sleep rather than wake me up.
The can has little to no effort to it and shit, it has a waist line! What the crap is it with can sneaking the little deductions here and there? Just give me a regular can, no extra dips and indentions!
I say stay away unless its cold outside and you need a hand warmer ( the reason for me buying it in the first place).
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