Case# 013
Snack: Suntory Final Fantasy Potion
Packaging: 9/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 6/10
Creativity: 710
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 29/40
Ah, potions are back again. This time to promote FF Dissidia.
This is not the first time that a potion has hit the market, but they sure dumbed it down. Last time it came in a vile that LOOKED like a potion. Now its just a can with a sticker slapped on it. The reason for the high creativity and packaging points is there are sixteen different cans with pics on them. All are either artwork or CG graphics so the variety is nice.
Taste is like a diet sprite or fresca to me. Really light in flavor and clear. Some would see this as really bad but I thought it was ok. I dont have access to sprite here very much anyway.
if you wanna see more, hit up the website:
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