Case# 026
Snack: O'zack Cream Shichu Soup snacks
Packaging: 7/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 7/10
Creativity: 7/10
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 28/40
Sevens across the board! This one was a wild card. It was either gonna be a love it or hate it. The package was nice in that the image was of cream soup and it didn't make me want to vomit. I have actually never had this before so my frame of reference is skewd. I'm also not sure why the "O" has an apostraphy rockin on it but O'h well.
Taste was not too bad. It DID taste like it had a white cream sauce flavor and I really like the crisp-ness of the chip. I also liked that it didn't need to use a cheese grater amount of seasoning to pull it off.
I would try this again after i had the real thing, maybe the score will change also.
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