Thursday, August 20, 2009

Case# 004

Case# 004

Snack: Tohato Caramel Corn: Sweet Potato Flavor


Packaging: 7/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10
Overall Taste: 9/10
Score: 32/40

Satisfaction! It's all I can say about these. Japanese are crazy about sweet potatoes and I can see why. It's sweet as shit! Some may say they taste like Ms. Butterworth spilled her head into the bag, I say its happiness in a bag.

The packaging is fitting with teh colors mimicing "sweet p's" and even though the bag is throwing up what I am about to eat, it's got a smile so I feel comforted. creativity was nice as it was the only sweet p thing on the shelf. I also like the the bag had blue eyes, another indicator that the day was a high five day.

Overall, eat em if you see em. They may be a seasonal thing but if you can find em, snack attack motherfucker!

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