Thursday, August 20, 2009

Case# 008

Case# 008

Snack: Rock Man Energy Can

Packaging: 10/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 1/10
Creativity: 8/10
Overall Taste: 3/10
Score: 22/40

First: Totally awesome! Second: Dope!

Now to the nitty. This can of Rock (Mega) Man Energy drink is exactly the kind of thing that puts a smile on my face and money in retailers' hands. The simplicity and small Mega Man running on the bottom of the can has all the right touches.

So I know what your asking, what gives on the erectile disfunction rating?? Let's just say this was dropped on the public to promote Rock Man 9 and that's as far as it was thought out.

It's not even AN energy drink. At the bottom cleverly disguised it says "sports drink". It has no carbonation, it has no ENERGY! It's like a zero calorie pocari sweat except even that has SOME kind of taste. This was sugar water in a can. Capcom had a chance to makes something awesome, and good! maybe make it a running line of drinks that people would pick up instead of a rockstar or red bull. Make it taste like metal, who cares!, just something better than water!!

Mega Man is in the future and if he does use water as fuel, then the "Big 3" better forget the bail out and just hit up a titty bar.

Case# 007

Case# 007

Snack: Choco Flake: Chocole MAX


Packaging: 3/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 2/10
Creativity: 1/10
Overall Taste: 2/10
Score: 08/40

Agh, another below the bar snack, why Japan WHY!?! The packaging is well intended but seeing my morning cereal getting dunked in a brown pool is not my definition of MAX. The only MAX in this was the maximum disappointment I felt as the "66%" cocoa used in this must have been shop-vac'ed off before putting them in the bag. The chocolate is a waxy substance that might be helpful if I have a sore throat but my stomach is ripped.

Scratch this and just reach for some coco pebbles instead.

Case# 006

Case# 006

Snack: Baby Star Wide chips: Pizza flavor


Packaging: 5/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 2/10
Creativity: 0/10
Overall Taste: 2/10
Score: 09/40

My lowest score to date. This snack is garbage. I really don't know why either. This company also makes a bacon flavored snack that is I think thats why the "wide" chip also looks like bacon.

The package is ok, only because of the awesome pizza on the top corner, I mean it has sliced sausage, cheese, and fresh baked goodness. The reality is is tastes like a smelly foot that was dunked in pizza sauce.

Pizza flavored snacks are EVERYWHERE here, but for some jacked up reason, they always nix the cheese part. There is only one snack that has it covered and i guess i need to review it to show all the other ass hats how its done.

Case# 005

Case# 005

Snack: Tohato Caramel Corn: With Roasted Peanuts


Packaging: 6/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 6/10
Creativity: 3/10
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 22/40

After hitting the sweet p version of this, I had to try the original. What I can say is disappointment and utter mountains of pain. Lets take a journey through the emotions of pissed and dismay.

First, the packaging is ok. I get the same ol blue eyes looking at me and what I NOW interpret as a raging mouth of retch that is to be my snack. The snack looks ok with some peanuts sprinkled in but there's the problem, almost no peanuts. What the FUCK!?!

I counted 14 peanuts, and not awesome peanuts, no, they are those little pissy spanish peanuts. It even has one on the package lookin all lame and shit.

Taste was nothing special cause it reminded me of a cracker jacks box, but full of suck. I say stay away from this one, unless you want your junk to fall off and like eating anti-depressants.

Case# 004

Case# 004

Snack: Tohato Caramel Corn: Sweet Potato Flavor


Packaging: 7/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10
Overall Taste: 9/10
Score: 32/40

Satisfaction! It's all I can say about these. Japanese are crazy about sweet potatoes and I can see why. It's sweet as shit! Some may say they taste like Ms. Butterworth spilled her head into the bag, I say its happiness in a bag.

The packaging is fitting with teh colors mimicing "sweet p's" and even though the bag is throwing up what I am about to eat, it's got a smile so I feel comforted. creativity was nice as it was the only sweet p thing on the shelf. I also like the the bag had blue eyes, another indicator that the day was a high five day.

Overall, eat em if you see em. They may be a seasonal thing but if you can find em, snack attack motherfucker!

Case# 003

Case# 003

Snack: Pringles: Honey Roasted Chicken


Packaging: 8/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 5/10
Creativity: 7/10
Overall Taste: 7/10
Score: 27/40

Wow! Finally the Pringles guy can unwind! The packaging is awesome. He's got a present, he looks like he ready to party, and its metallic gold! Even the pringle has lens flairs!

This could have been the greatest flavor and packaging of all time if it didn't fall just a little off the expectation escalator. First impression of the taste was "BBQ", a sweetened version. Chicken flavor was nowhere to be had. I thought this would cure my blues of missing my favorite rotisery chickens from the grocery store back home, nope.

I like the creativity of the flavor in a season where steak and soup flavors are king but it misses. Overall the taste was good, nothing new for pringle, but hopefully the inside is as good as the outside.

Case# 002

Case# 002

Snack: Nagewa: Pepper Steak


Packaging: 6/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 4/10
Creativity: 5/10
Overall Taste: 5/10
Score: 20/40

These "potato rings" were disappointing. I was hoping to smell the familiar aroma of beautiful steak recently charred only to be greeted with a "hey" once the bag was opened. To top it all off, I couldn't even stack them on my finger like on the bag. BTW, what the hell is that black hand thing anyway? Pretty sure a black, smiling hand looking at me with food on its' head would make me turn tail.

The packaging is nice with said steak in the corner, lookin all goood and shit but everything else is garbage. After these I wanted to wash it all away with a salad, egad!

Case# 001

Case# 001

Snack: Glico: Pretz Basil Flavor


Packaging: 8/10
Taste relating to flavor claim: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10
Overall Taste: 9/10
Score: 33/40

Wham!, like 1980's these were awesome like a double necked keytar! The package was a pleasant motif and even better, I felt like I was eating something healthy, but tasted like something I should hit the gym for later. I liked the faint taste of basil, not too over powering and worked rather well with the cracker base.

My only real critique is against myself for not buying more. I had them and then, like Sose, they were gone from the market shelves.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I had this idea poking around for a while on Facebook and decided to share outside my bubble of friends. Expect hardcore, in your face reviews of snacks found around Tokyo (and all of japan I guess). I will rate them with a total score of 40.  On with the show.